Sunday Thoughts: Back in action

Sunday Thoughts: Back in action

A while ago, I realized how little time I had to work on Mad Mermaid... Or at least that has been the excuse I have used for a while now. The photos, the posts, the online platforms – it all just started to feel like too much work.
As I organized the inventory yesterday, and as I saw and touched the pieces, a strong feeling took hold of me.
Why have I disregarded this part of my life so much?
Why have I used up all these excuses? Why do I seem to sabotage something I truly love?
Truth and realization hit this morning as I stared at my computer screen once more: Am I scared?
I AM scared! Oh... I am so f***ing scared!
It seems to me that what hurts my creativity and creates this avoidance is a deep fear and concern about how to show up on social media.
So I took some time to connect with myself. With my culture. With my fear.
What I realized is that fear is not the antagonist here.
It has always been an important ingredient in the creation of me and Mad.
It is a fundamental part of the process.
To get to the next step, I need to embrace and use up my fear. I need to recognize that fear brought just the right amount of discomfort needed to give me that little push toward the courage and confidence I often ask for.
So, I am opening up here, and sharing with you all I’ve got. You will notice some changes on this page, as I evolve and share more and more of what Mad is for me.
I hope my process resonates with you, and if it does, I hope you will find the inspiration and courage to face any fears that might be stopping you too.
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